Throughout the Denowatts portal we utilize performance metrics and KPIs. The math and full context are defined in the IEC 61724 series standards, and are summarized below for your quick reference:
Summary of Metrics
Model Irradiation | The P50 Typical Meteorological Year (TMY) amount of Effective Plane of Array (POA) Irradiation |
Irradiation | The measured POA Irradiation measured by the Deno sensor. Includes direct, diffuse, and reflective irradiation |
Predicted Energy | The P50 Predicted Energy modeled for the period |
Expected In Service Energy | The weather adjusted energy expected by the model during non-outage operating periods |
Expected Unavailable Energy | The weather adjusted energy that was lost during outage periods |
Expected Energy | The sum of In Service and Unavailable Expected Energy |
Site Generation | Measured Net Energy Generation as reported by your monitoring company |
Summary of Key Performance Indices (KPIs)
Energy Performance Index (EPI) | The Measured Generation divided by the Expected Energy |
In-Service EPI | The Measured Generation divided by the In Service Expected Energy (non-outage) |
Energy Availability | The EPI divided by In Service EPI |
Capacity Factor | Measured Energy divided by DC capacity and 8760 hours in the year |
Performance Ratio | The ratio of Effective Plane of Array (POA) Irradiation that is converted to Grid Energy |
IEC TS 61724-3:2016 Section 3: Terms and definitions
IEC 61724-1:2017 Section 10 Performance Metrics