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Denowatts API v.2 (Legacy)

A summary and link to download Denowatts API v.2 (legacy)

Updated May 5, 2022

The Denowatts service includes API access to two call types:

  1. Raw Deno simulator records (1-minute daytime) for diagnostics use cases; or
  2. Site Performance records (15-minute) for performance management use cases

The resource URL is the same for both forms, while the channel ID determines the form of the record to be generated. Channel IDs can be obtained on the Customer Portal (my.denowatts.com):

Call Type

Record Interval (minutes)

Channel ID Location

Raw Deno (ending timestamp)

1m daytime

5m twilight
15m night

Deno Group Management

Site Performance (beginning timestamp)


Site Info

Monitoring services, customer enterprise applications, and other performance-related uses should use the Site Performance records for “Next Day Processed” and “Deno Clean Data”.

Real-time services such as aerial inspections, commissioning, and monitoring validation may choose to use Raw Deno records for low latency data.

Call Type



Use Case

Raw Deno


Cell Temperature

Expected Power

~2 Minutes

Aerial Inspections
Onsite Commissioning

Monitoring Setup and Data Validation

Site Performance

“Unprocessed Performance”

Deno Weather

Remote Weather

Measured Generation

Expected Energy

1 Hour

Monitoring Services

Customer Enterprise Applications


“Next Day Processed”

Key Performance Indices (KPIs)

Learned Energy

Losses (unvalidated)

Next Day

“Deno Clean Data”

Losses (Validated)



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